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Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.
Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.
Obviously we all know that’s not the case. So where does radiating pain come from and can a chiropractor help to to get rid of radiating pain and the underlying cause?
We hear from a lot of our clients who experience radiating pain, that they have had a tingling, dull or even numb feeling in their arms and hands, often compared with a tight feeling from their neck to their shoulder, and they have had this pain for years!
Sometimes people let it get that far that it even prevents them from doing their work productively, costing them or their company time and money. Or we hear from people that they cannot enjoy their free time anymore because they feel like they need that time to recover so they just get through to the next day. “But life isn’t about just getting by, it’s about living a happy, healthy and more fulfilled life! ” says Justin the chiropractor at The Right Chiro.
Radiating pain is pain that travels from one area of the body to another. Alot of us have experienced this at some point in our lives. Although pain is common, it is not and should not be seen as normal. Pain is your body talking to you. So it is important to listen. If and when you experience radiating pain, it is also important to understand other elements of your health that can be negatively affected. The longer you go without addressing it, the worse your problems get.
Of course there can be a number of different causes for radiating pain. But a common cause of radiating pain can be vertebrae subluxation, a spinal disc bulging or herniation.
It is through your nervous system that your brain talks to your body and your body to your brain. The majority (90%) of your nervous system does not transmit pain, only 10% of your nervous system transmits pain. Your nervous system is busy with many different functions,some that you have no idea even exists, and some that you do. A Lot of these functions happen at the same time. So that radiating pain that you feel, should be acted upon, if you want your body to function at its best.
Chiropractors are specialists of the nervous system. Radiating pain usually comes from some level of nerve irritation. Chiropractors focus on optimal functioning of the nervous system. When there is nervous system interference, the communication from the brain to body (and vice versa) is compromised. As a result, your health suffers. You will eventually feel pain. Radiating pain is an example of this. In a chiropractic examination your chiropractor will assess the health and functioning of the spine to determine if this is creating the issue. If so,your chiropractor has the education, training, and expertise to correct the problem, not to simply mask your symptoms.
I frequently say that pain is the last symptom to come about and the first symptom to go away. Pain is not as straightforward as you may think. There are different types of pain. There are different intensity levels and consistent or inconsistent presentations. Radiating pain is one of those types of pain that is a clear indicator that a chiropractic assessment is required.
What would your life look like if you didn’t have those aches and pains anymore? When your body functions as it should, as it was made to. You would be able be more efficiently at work or home. You would be able to enjoy your free time again. “You wouldn’t live life just getting by, You would live a happy, healthy and more fulfilled life. “ Says Annika, the chiropractic assistant at The Right Chiro.
So it’s always important to look at the underlying cause of a problem and not just try and “fix” the symptom. Radiating pain always comes from your nervous system, take care of it, and see a chiropractor!
Do you have radiating pain to your arms, hands, legs or feet?, perhaps it’s time to make an appointment with us. Schedule your free health call to see how we can help you with your radiating pain.
You feel frustrated and unhappy with your health, having the same pain coming back again and again, making you feel captive with no way to heal ! At The Right Chiro we provide expert chiropractic care, we build you a customised care plan and advise you on good health practises, reconnecting you to your own bodies ability to heal so you can live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.
Korvelseweg 27A
5025 JB Tilburg
@Copyright 2021 – 2025 The Right Chiro | Made with ♡ by Marloes Verhofstadt