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Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.
Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.
When you start looking at options to correct a health problem or support your health and the health of your family, you always want to make sure of two things right?
1. Is this option safe?
2. Is this option effective?
You want these questions answered because you don’t want to waste your precious time and energy or your hard earned money undergoing treatment that isn’t safe or won’t be effective at accomplishing the goal of making you healthier and your family healthier too.
Is chiropractic treatment safe? Yes – chiropractic treatment is safe. Chiropractors have been treating patients for generations, and many individuals have benefitted from this type of care. If you are considering chiropractic treatment as a way to deal with certain health issues in your life, don’t be held back from making an appointment because of safety concerns.
There are some risks associated with any type of choice or treatment you may choose for your health. There are some risks associated with any type of choice or treatment you may choose for your health.
Common medical procedures that are accepted as safe come along with risks as well. The important thing to remember, as with all choices in life, the choices you make for your health are your responsibility. It is our job to show you how we can help you, and it is yours to decide whether we are the right fit or not. This same line of thinking applies to help for health issues, supporting your health, keeping a balanced diet, maintaining a good sleeping schedule, taking proper care of your teeth and making sure you are also looking after your mind as well.
The other key point to make in this section is that you should only receive care from someone who is licensed in the field you are looking for. Your risks will increase significantly if you allow an unlicensed and untrained practitioner to perform chiropractic corrections on you. Our chiropractors are licensed and registered with all the professional boards necessary to work in the netherlands:
– International Chiropractors Association
– Dutch Chiropractic Federation
– Stichting Nationaal Register van Chiropractoren
– Vektis (for your health insurance)
At The Right Chiro we understand that you are frustrated and disappointed with your current state of health, because we see the overwhelm in making the best choices for your health and a lack of trust in your body’s ability to heal. We offer family chiropractic care and health education, giving you clarity in making the Right choices and reconnecting you with your ability to heal. We want to help you unleash the best in you, because you deserve a life free of discomfort and uncertainty.
Korvelseweg 27A
5025 JB Tilburg
@Copyright 2021 – 2025 The Right Chiro | Made with ♡ by Marloes Verhofstadt