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Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.
Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.
When patients start Chiropractic care with us one of the most common questions we get asked is how can I keep my adjustment holding longer?
“I think often clients are afraid that they will HAVE to visit a chiropractor for the rest of their life once they start with chiropractic care.” says Annika the chiropractic advisor at The Right Chiro.
Let’s be very clear, you don’t have to do anything.. Well, you don’t have to do anything besides that you have to breathe to be able to get enough oxygen in your lungs to live, your heart has to pump so much blood around your body for you to stay alive. Those things for example are a must! And the best part of chiropractic care is that it can help you do that the best you can, and every other function your body has to do in order to live. So if you understand the principles chiropractic works on, you understand why many of our clients chose to keep chiropractic as part of their life.
So it’s a great question! Because our objective is to get you to a point where we need to see and adjust you less and less. This way we know your body has the best chance of healing and getting you the results that you want from chiropractic care. Here are a few tips to look after your neck after your adjustment so you get the most out of Chiropractic care!
1. Rest
Everyone who comes to our practice quickly learns that rest is a very important part of the healing process. When you are at rest your body has the chance to go through healing and repair processes, this is important when recovering from damage, injury or disease.
Think of it as if you had had an operation, the doctor’s advice would likely involve some degree of bed rest, mostly at the start of the recovery process. Think of your adjustment in a similar way, the difference being we don’t cut you open. However, we are not suggesting you spend days in bed each time you get adjusted, instead just be mindful to take time during your day to rest, relax and minimise stress.
2. Being mindful of head movements
The next piece of advice is to be mindful of how you are using your neck and head. Now we are not saying don’t move your neck, that would be ridiculous. Instead just ensure you are not spending long periods of time with your neck in one position, while sitting at a laptop or computer for example. Take time to gently move your neck in a normal range of motion without forcing it.
3. Sleepposition – get a good pillow!
This one is important. Get yourself a good quality pillow that allows you to keep your neck in as close to a neural position as possible while you sleep.
If you sleep on your back make sure the pillow isn’t too high causing your neck to get pushed forward. If you sleep on your side make sure the pillow is high enough to fill the gap between the mattress and your head, roughly the distance between your head and your shoulder.
Make sure it is solid enough to hold your head in a neutral position, memory foam is a great option. And most importantly of all make sure it is comfortable! If the pillow is not comfortable then it is not the right one for you, try something different, it’s not worth losing sleep over!
Imagine you could spend a full day at the office again, doing your work with more focus as you are not distracted by the pain or stiffness in your neck anymore. You would be able to finish those projects faster and enjoy your time at work more, because let’s be honest some of us do spend a lot of time at work. You could help more people, more clients, more accounts or more projects in your line of work. “Which means more income.” says Justin the chiro at The Right Chiro in Tilburg.
Following these simple tips will help you to maintain your adjustment and avoid having to be adjusted so frequently. Remember the longer you can hold the adjustment for, the better opportunity your body has to recover and heal so you can live a happy, healthy and more fulfilled life.
Are you finding that these tips aren’t enough to keep you from having neck pain, perhaps it’s time to make an appointment with us. Schedule your free health call to see how we can help you with your neck pain.
You feel frustrated and unhappy with your health, having the same pain coming back again and again, making you feel captive with no way to heal ! At The Right Chiro we provide expert chiropractic care, we build you a customised care plan and advise you on good health practises, reconnecting you to your own bodies ability to heal so you can live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.
Korvelseweg 27A
5025 JB Tilburg
@Copyright 2021 – 2025 The Right Chiro | Made with ♡ by Marloes Verhofstadt