Do you ever daydream about how amazing living beings really are?

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Picture of Justin


Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.

Picture of Justin


Throughout my life I have noticed how little guidance there is when it comes to maintaining the health of you and your family. This is what drives me, to guide my community in making important health decisions that will lead to better health and a better life for you and your family.

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If you ever take the time to think about the many challenges that all life forms must overcome in order to survive on this crazy planet, you will really begin to appreciate the beauty of this complex task.

Whether we are talking about simple or complex organisms, we must all find a unique way to adapt to our immediate environment or cease to exist. Humans also fit into this system and must always find clever ways to adapt to our environmental conditions. Bacteria and viruses far outnumber the larger animals and humans on this planet. Most larger animals can survive quite well in the jungle of microbes that surround them. 

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“All living things have an innate intelligence that helps them adapt to changing circumstances in their environment” says Justin the Chiropractor at The Right Chiro. Without this kind of inner wisdom, a living being could not survive for long.

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Chiropractors, because of their educational background, have a very deep appreciation for the inner wisdom that exists in every living person. Chiropractic is based on the logical proposition that an innate intelligence is always present in your body. All chemistry and physiology that is a natural condition for the existence of human life is directly orchestrated by our brain via tiny nerve fibres according to the plan innate intelligence has to respond to our environment. These nerve fibres run from the base of your brain through your spinal cord to the outside through your spinal nerves that emerge from your spinal cord and continue to extend to all parts of your body. Chiropractors have the special professional aim of regularly checking the alignment of the spinal column. When your vertebrates are not functioning the way they are meant to, they can interfere with the outgoing spinal nerves that pass between your bones. Spinal nerves that are suppressed by misalignment (vertebral subluxation) can interfere with proper function of your spinal cord.

Nerves of your spinal cord that are interfered with by vertebral subluxation function inadequately, causing important messages from your brain to be distorted. This situation causes your innate or inner wisdom to become disconnected from certain parts of your body and this can immediately cause you to have problems adapting to your environment. This shows up in various ways but always brings on symptoms ranging from back and neck pain to problems with your stomach or sleep.

The philosophy behind chiropractic teaches that through the application of chiropractic corrections, your nervous system can better allow your innate or inner wisdom to be present at all times so that your body can constantly adapt to its ever-changing environment. 

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Chiropractic is a great way to help you maintain your vital connection to your innate intelligence that allows you to constantly adapt to your natural environment. “Every time I think about the innate intelligence that exists in a living person, I express my gratitude for working in chiropractic, and I am even more grateful for being a chiropractic client who continues to get regular chiropractic care keeping me in the Right shape for proper adaptation” says Annika the chiropractic advisor with The Right Chiro. 

So why wait for your body to become unable to adapt to your environment? Make an appointment with us today and see how we can help you reconnect to your ability to heal. 

You feel frustrated and unhappy with your health, having the same pain coming back again and again, making you feel captive with no way to heal ! At The Right Chiro we provide expert chiropractic care, we build you a customised care plan and advise you on good health practices, reconnecting you to your own bodies ability to heal so you can live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.

Book Right now with the Right Chiro!