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Hi, I am Annika, I am your chiropractic advisor at The Right Chiro.
I started doing this work after years of struggling with some health problems, to the point where many doctors said I should learn to live with it. Like you, I had tried many different therapies, and finally and luckily ended up with chiropractic.
So now I want to help you find the right way back to your best health through chiropractic care.
Hi, I am Annika, I am your chiropractic advisor at The Right Chiro.
I started doing this work after years of struggling with some health problems, to the point where many doctors said I should learn to live with it. Like you, I had tried many different therapies, and finally and luckily ended up with chiropractic.
So now I want to help you find the right way back to your best health through chiropractic care.
Stop being a captive to your pain and start living a happier, healthier and more fulfilled life.
Right now your body is working as hard as it can to help you keep going, to keep you functioning “normally”. Like you it is trapped, trapped in a state of poor function and compensation patterns.
To free yourself, and your body, you will have to go through a journey. This journey will start with stabilisation of the problem and a higher frequency of care to break down old patterns.
You will first have to go through the process of breaking down the compensation patterns so you can reconnect your body to its ability to heal. We help you do this. In the beginning it starts with investing your time and energy into a higher frequency of chiropractic care and corrective exercises. We do most of the work for you by breaking down nervous system patterns that are not serving you and stabilising your spinal column.
Once your spinal column is more stable, and your nervous system is reset you reach the first fork in your road to reconnecting to your ability to heal. The one option is to stop with the work on your spinal column and nervous system and to try and maintain your trajectory yourself with lifestyle changes. This is commendable, but like with most things, you fall back into your old compensation patterns and your pain comes back. Why? Because although you have learned some important lifestyle changes, you stopped the important work too early, you were not properly reconnected and did not understand how to maintain the reconnection.
The other option is to enter into the regeneration part of your journey. Here more of the responsibility of your results is laid where it is meant to be, in your hands. The frequency of chiropractic care is decreased, and you start making the appropriate changes to support your 4 pillars of health (your nervous system and spinal column, your diet, your daily movement habits and your thoughts and feelings). You are added to a community of people that have been where you are, and they can help guide you from experience and expertise. Now you have all you need to fully reconnect to your body’s ability to heal. Which brings you to the second, and arguably the most important fork in your journey to a happy, healthy, reconnected and fulfilled life.
This fork has you either stopping your chiropractic care or continuing with a maintenance program. The reason this is difficult is because now you have reached the plateau, where further results (whether they be more relief, better function of areas like your digestive system, vision, hearing or mental processes) take more time. It is like once you have reached your goal with a healthy diet or going to the gym, the rest of what is to come feels mundane and unexciting. At this point if you stop with your chiropractic care you will be able to maintain the connection for a prolonged period of time. However, as with most things in life, you will go through a period of stress. This may be stress at work, at home, with family or friends or even an accident. Compensation patterns will start again, and you will slowly start returning to a point of poor function and pain.
Why? First, think about what happens to a professional athlete, people who find it necessary to always be at top performance. What do they have around them? They have a team of experts that help them maintain their health and function, so that when something does happen they can lean on them. When you stop your chiropractic care, that is what you are losing. You are losing your team, your community, that helps you maintain the connection to your ability to heal. This is important because when the moments of stress come up, you can bounce back quicker and better.
Your body is amazing. It has the ability, through your nervous system, to adapt and learn. This empowers you to overcome and adapt to different levels of stress, improving as you experience more. But, this amazing strength is dependent on your ability to support the 4 pillars of your health, and having the right community behind you to do so. Start your journey today!
You feel frustrated and unhappy with your health, having the same pain coming back again and again, making you feel captive with no way to heal ! At The Right Chiro we provide expert chiropractic care, we build you a customised care plan and advise you on good health practises, reconnecting you to your own bodies ability to heal so you can live a healthy, happy and fulfilled life.
Korvelseweg 27A
5025 JB Tilburg
@Copyright 2021 – 2025 The Right Chiro | Made with ♡ by Marloes Verhofstadt